Teacher, author, and mother of three Deborah Owen shares her tips and strategies to connect or reconnect with your kids.

  • Helping Your Teen Help Themselves
  • Strategies for Building Respect
  • Tips on Discipline and Consistency
  • The A to E Technique to Keeping Your Cool


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With her engineer husband of over 26 years, Deborah Owen has raised three children to young adulthood. The older son is a naval submarine officer and engineer; the middle daughter is a senior psychology major who is planning to combine pediatric nursing with youth ministry; and the younger son is a college freshman, majoring in commercial music composition and minoring in film. These young people had their share of issues as they were growing up, but they have come out on the other side as successful, happy young adults!

Deborah also spent many years as a public school educator. As the school librarian at several high schools, a middle school, and an elementary school, she saw many kids who were hurting, confused, angry, and unmotivated. She made it her mission in the library to create new kinds of projects that would inspire teenagers, that would be relevant to their daily issues, and that would instill the love of learning in their hearts and minds.

Without daily contact with these kids though, she knew that her impact was extremely limited, which is why she embarked on becoming a parent coach.

Deborah has spent thousands of hours learning the latest strategies in effective parenting, motivation, personal success, and brain science. She has written several journal articles, as well as the #1 Amazon best-selling book, Social Media Fascination; Embracing Social Media to Build Community, Trust, and Rapport, about helping young people learn to use social media WELL. Along the way, she has met a number of influential entrepreneurs and worked with some amazing mentors and coaches who have supported her focus on service as the driving force for being a coach.

Deborah lives in Massachusetts with her husband in a “nest that would be empty” except for the two flat-coat retrievers and cockatiel that share their home. (The bird was given to their son when he was 9. Nine years later, now that he is away at college, the bird is Deborah’s responsibility!)Owen family

The family loves to visit Maine where they swim, sail, kayak, hike, ski, and sit in front of the fire in the wood stove. In addition to her coaching and teaching certifications and master’s degree in library and information science, Deborah plays violin and has another master’s degree in Choral Conducting. She continues to feed her love of music by singing with semi-professional choruses in Boston and directing a church choir in the suburbs. Over the years, their family has also been active in a local Minuteman Company re-enacting American colonial history as fifers and a drummer!


Social Media Fascination: Embracing Social Media To Build Community, Trust, and Rapport

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