The Power Of Email With Ben Settle

Email expert Ben Settle shares his dos and don’ts for better selling through email marketing.

  • Two Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Email Content
  • When, How and Why to Send Your Message
  • Tips for Standing Out in Inboxes
  • The Easy Way to Start Email
  • Why Email Marketing Works for Every Business


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Few years ago, my friend (who works a full time corporate job) became intrigued by how my day basically consisted of getting up at whatever time I wanted, writing an email (and sometimes nothing at all), grabbing something to eat, then going to the beach or doing something fun (golf, road trip, hanging out with whoever, etc) the rest of the day.

Zero stress.

Zero drama.

And, zero angsting.

At the time I was worn down from 10 years of working 15+ hour days (sometimes 7 days per week), some personal crap (divorce, etc), and burnout.

So, I really did do the absolute minimum.

(i.e. my daily email, write the Email Players issue, etc).

And I had been doing the minimum for almost a year.

But, here’s the thing:

During that time my income did NOT go down.

It went up.

And I was (shall we say) financially content.

Thus, my friend started calling it “The Ben Settle Lifestyle” (heh) and asked how she could do the same thing.

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