Successful and Unemployable Solopreneur With Michael O’Neal

Michael O’Neal, life coach and host of the “Solopreneur Hour,” offers tips and steps on becoming successful at living your passion.

  • Are You Proudly Unemployable?
  • How to Find Freedom from the “Nine to Five” Life
  • An Exercise to Discover Your Passion
  • Tips on Making Your Hobby Profitable
  • 8 3/4 Steps to Becoming a Successful “Solopreneur”


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Michael O’Neal is a self-taught entrepreneur who has a passion for network marketing, branding, life-coaching, and internet marketing. He shares tips for how to start a successful company, and what you shouldn’t do as well on his podcast, The Solopreneur Hour – Job Security For The Unemployable.

Michael started out as a web designer after receiving his communications degree from Temple University. He worked in that field for 15 years, even starting a company called Whirled Media. From there, he worked a few odd jobs but became unemployed in 2005 which was when he started his entrepreneurial journey. In 2007, Michael sadly lost both his parents and in 2009, he traveled to Europe as a way to mourn and heal. Following his return, Michael spent the next four years in network marketing, internet marketing, and life coaching. In 2013, he officially started his own podcast called The Solopreneur Hour – Job Security for the Unemployable.

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