Celebrating Thanksgiving The RichLife Way!!

Sharing your RichLife story is just like celebrating Thanksgiving every day!

by Beau Henderson

"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings."
~ William Arthur Ward


THANKSGIVING When you hear that word or see it written, what's the first thing that comes to mind? For many people, especially in the USA, visions of family gathering around a table loaded with all sorts of yummy things to eat appear … lots of great conversation happening while everyone is feasting on perfectly roasted turkey, homemade dressing and melt in your mouth delicious pumpkin pie. Folks finally have the time to catch up with what's going on in each others lives and the stories being shared make Thanksgiving a true RichLife experience! There are stories that make you laugh … some make you cry … some make you think really hard …  But, they all have one thing in common … they are a gift from the story teller to the listener. A gift of great value that we should always be grateful for!


A RichLife Thanksgiving is all about gratitude…

and gratitude changes everything it touches


Gratitude helps us focus on creating more of what we want. One of the universal laws that governs everyone's life is that we bring to ourselves the things we think about and focus on most often. Since this is a simple truth for everyone, wouldn't you want to have more of what you are thankful for? Being actively aware of your blessings, and being actively grateful for them, allows you to focus more clearly on what you do want in your life and allows more of those wonderful things to appear in your RichLife.

Gratitude helps improve our relationships with people. How does it make you feel when someone tells you "Thank You"? Take a minute to think about the people you know who are most appreciative of you – and who let you know how they feel about you. How does that make you feel about them? Does knowing how much their appreciation of you positively impact your relationship with them? If you are anything like me, I know it does! Be grateful for people, their contributions, their talents and their actions and be sure you tell them how you feel!

Gratitude reduces negativity. It is impossible to be negative about something when you are thinking about things for which you are grateful. One of the fastest ways to improve your mood and get out of a negative funk is to count your blessings. It is amazing how quickly a tragedy can be turned into a triumph!

Everyone has something they can be grateful for!


Here are three simple things that you can do right now to increase the amount of Gratitude you have in your RichLife!

  • Make a list of five things you are grateful for right now – they can be big things (like your family or a big promotion at work) or little things (like the fact that someone held the door open for you this morning or simply smiled at you). It can even include things that you usually take for granted (like your fingers and toes or the fact that you are breathing air :)) You can either do this in your head or write them down on paper. Just be sure to do it right NOW!!
  • Take a few minutes to really think about the things on your list and allow yourself to feel good about these things
  • If there is someone you can thank or show your appreciation to, do that now too (a quick call or email is all it takes :)) You will be amazed at how good you feel about yourself and life in general. And you can never know how much of an impact that act of random appreciation will have on the other person!


Gratitude is an attitude. Gratitude is a choice.

Gratitude is an integral part of living a RichLife! When we consciously practice being grateful for the people, situations and resources around us we bring to us the people, circumstances and resources that will support us in creating our RichLife!!

Sharing your RichLife Story is an expression of your gratitude for every person and experience you have been blessed with which has equipped you to live a fully expressed RichLife!  Nothing can be more beneficial to the world we live in than for each one of us to share the story of what you had to do in order to live your RichLife!

You might think that yours is only one story in the middle of hundreds of other stories. But what if I told you that to JUST ONE PERSON your story might be the story that helps THEM see that they too can live a RichLife! Your story can make a significant difference to the world in which we live! I believe that we all have a personal and moral obligation to share our RichLife stories with as many people as we possibly can!

That is my mission – to help as many people in this world as possible to live THEIR RichLife! But, I can't do this all by myself though! I need your help! YOU can help me get the word out about the RichLife concepts that have helped YOU to live your RichLife! This is why YOUR story is so important to the world!

When other people hear from you how your life has changed, when they hear how incorporating the Ten RichLife Investments for True Wealth into your life has made a difference for you and your family, they can see the possibilities of a RichLife for themselves! And they will want to learn how to do the same for themselves and for their loved ones!

So, what I am going to do, as a way of expressing my gratitude to all of you who share your RichLife stories with me, is hold a "Best RichLife Story" holiday video contest from November 24, 2011 to December 24, 2011. The winner of the contest will be announced Christmas Day, December 25, 2011 and they will receive a brand new iPad as a RichLife Christmas present!!

So be sure to take your video camera with you wherever you go this holiday season 🙂 … Your story matters to all of us! And I can think of no better way to get as many of your RichLife stories out to as many people as possible than to have you submit your videos to me so that I can share them with people all over the world!

I will be releasing all of the details tomorrow evening after spending Thanksgiving with my Grandmother!! Can't wait to share that video with everyone. My Grandma means the world to me and she is a huge part of my RichLife Story! I can't wait to see who is part of YOUR  RichLife!!