RichLife Story #16   Nancy 


 I met Nancy a couple of years ago at one of my “RichLife Keys to a Succesful Retirement” seminars.  We have worked together ever since on creating a strategy to insure a successful retirement.  But, what I want to talk about in today’s RichLife Story is what Nancy does that makes her life truly rich… 

 She has always had a vibrant creative streak. Her enthusiasm for life is obvious and this spills out into her music and paintings. Over the years she has had some success with her art, having her paintings displayed in local galleries or shops. When there is a community event or art fair on the square,   Nancy is there, playing her violin. But there is another side to Nancy. The working side.

 Days will find Nancy in hospital scrubs and comfortable shoes, employed full time as a nurse. She has been doing this work for over 20 years, helping patients while gaining knowledge and experience and, yes, a regular paycheck.

You might say Nancy is an artist who is sacrificing for her family.

You might think she is yearning for the day she can finally quit her day job.

You might think she has made the choice to put off doing what really loves, waiting for retirement to finally do something with her music, waiting for retirement to finally do what really makes her happy.

 You would be wrong.

On two separate occasions, Nancy has been able to revive previously non-responsive comma patients through the effective playing of her violin. In the case of one patient, a gentleman whose heart was strong but had been left in a comma after a traumatic accident, it was the singular vibration of the A note that caused his eye lids to flutter and then, miraculously, to open. Imagine the joy his wife and children must have felt. Imagine the astonishment of the doctors. Imagine Nancy, going home that night after work, knowing her gift of music and medical knowledge combined had completely changed the life of one individual and his entire family

 Each of us has a unique set of gifts and talents to offer the world.

 Have you identified yours? Ask yourself: If you could spend your days doing what you love whether or not you received monetary compensation, what would you do? The answer to this question will give you a clue. Follow it. 

 Perhaps you have made half-hearted attempts to develop your talents but never quite “made it.”

Are you waiting for someone to “discover” you?

Waiting for the “perfect” job?

Waiting until have more time, more energy, more money before you do what you really want to do? Do you have expertise or knowledge in one area and giftings or talents in another that seem to have nothing to do with each other?

Don’t wait any longer! There is no gift more valuable and no service more important than the ones you have to offer the world. Your unique combination of talents, knowledge and interests have the potential to solve a problem that has yet to be solved. Because there is more to Nancy’s story. When we met up last week for lunch, she had just gotten the necessary certifications to develop a music therapy curriculum at the hospital where she works. Who would think of connecting musical notes to medicine? Nancy did. Now ask yourself again, what things do you like to do? You don’t need to wait!

 Thomas Edison once wrote: If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. The time has come for you to begin astounding yourself.

How can you use your unique set of gifts and talents to bless the world?