Positioning Yourself To Win In 2012

The REAL Reason Dr. Bill Won The RichLife 2011 iPad Video Giveaway!

by Beau Henderson

What a great Christmas Eve we had at my Grandmother's house! She was tickled beyond belief when I asked her to help me choose a winner for the Christmas iPad giveaway! And, I am really grateful that she did help out! I would have been hard pressed to choose the winner myself. We had so many excellent entries – so many people shared about what makes their lives RICH! What a true blessing to so many of our readers, listeners and followers who found wisdom, lessons, and inspiration in those stories. 

But here's the thing that inspired this article today …

We had 5 times the number of people SAY they were going to send in their video compared to the 10 who actually TOOK ACTION and sent in their videos!

A HUGE "thank YOU" goes out to everyone who took 100% responsibility for doing what was required to position themselves to WIN! And truly, everyone who submitted their video was a winner – their stories were and will continue to be a real blessing for hundreds, if not thousands of other people, who can relate to someone's story and find a nugget of wisdom or some hope for themselves.

Dr. Bill positioned himself to win by taking 100% responsibility for his own actions and he did what was needed to be done to get his video submitted on time for the drawing!

That's the REAL reason he won the Giveaway!!

Here is a REAL gift that EVERYONE can take away  from this giveaway …

Like it or not, each one of us is responsible for the life that we are living right now. Everything around us is a result of what we choose to do or not do … our income, our debt, the quality of our relationships, our health, our fitness levels, our attitudes and behaviors about everything and everyone in our lives.

As we wrap up 2011 and get prepared to make 2012 the year of our dreams, the year in which we get to really live our own definition of a RichLife, the questions to ask ourselves are, "Am I ready to take action and do the things that need to be done so that I can live my own definition of a RichLife? Am I ready to take 100% responsibility for my own life and the results I get or don't get because of the things I choose to do or not to do? Am I willing to develop the habit of doing the hard things first so that I can have it easy later on?"

A lot of people say it. Maybe you have even said it yourself. "I'd give anything to have what that person has, be where that person is, do what that person is doing!" Is this REALLY true? Would you really give ANYTHING?

Not surprising the REAL answer is … no, of course you wouldn't. And I hope that you realize that you shouldn't!!! Success is best measured in terms of what was given up in order to attain it! Monetary success is only one small part of the RichLife picture. And that statement begs for an answer don't you think?

I will tell you what you must give up in order to achieve a Richlife – you will have to give up your fear, your laziness, your inertia, and your procrastination. Instead of saying, "I'll give anything to have that job," you can say, "I'm willing to give up my fear, my laziness, my inertia, and my procrastination in order to have that job!" Really … that's all you'll have to give up! That's as hard as it gets.

From my experience, the worst part of the fear comes just before the actual doing. Once you get into the doing part, it already is easier because you are absorbed in what you are doing. I have also found that other forces come into play once you've started taking action! Help comes from unexpected places and as you move forward you start picking up momentum and you realize that the fear is gone, the laziness has turned into action and you are looking forward to doing the next thing!

One of the reasons that this giveaway was such an important undertaking for me was that I knew many people would be blessed by seeing and hearing the stories of what another person's definition of a RichLife is. People relate to people and their stories. It is how relationships are started and fostered. And one of the great things that happened because of this giveaway is that I got to meet and know some truly incredible people who did the things they needed to do in order to live their definition of a RichLife.

I saw people take action … they did what they needed to do to get their videos made and submitted on time. They might not have been really comfortable being in front of a video camera. but they did it anyway. They benefited because they gave up their fear and took action in spite of it. They didn't sit around waiting for something to happen. They made it happen. There were no guarantees that they would win. But they did it anyway/ And in end they all won!

They created a unique experience for themselves that they will have for the rest of their lives. The folks that watched the videos benefited because they were able to see, maybe for the first time, that monetary success really has very little to do with someone living a RichLife.

And to further the blessing even more, a couple of the folks who participated in the contest have agreed to be on The RichLife Show this coming weekend! To help kick off a powerful finish to 2011, Dr. Bill is going to be live in the studio with me   this Saturday afternoon at 12:00 pm EST on WDUN AM 550/102.9 FM and he will be telling us all why he considers his life to be a very rich one indeed.

And I will also be interviewing RichLife woman, Elise Adams, who will share her incredible story of going from extreme poverty, homelessness and abuse – a life of no hope at all – to living a life filled with love, a beautiful family and marrying the man of her dreams. Her life is now RICH with endless possibility! You really don't want to miss this show!!

I am leaving you with a challenge BEFORE the New Year gets here. I am challenging you to take 100% responsibility for your life starting TODAY! Accept the fact that the only person who is responsible for what your life looks like right now is you. And if you don't like what you see, get into action and make the changes you need to make in order for 2012 to be the the year you start living your definition of a RichLife – whatever that looks like for you!

What do you have to give up in order to take 100% responsibility for your life? I would love to know what you are going to be doing to make 2012 the year you start living RICH!! You can tell me in the comments below or you can stop by Facebook and tell me there. Taking a look at "it" is a powerful step forward. Declaring it sets everything into motion and you build momentum by giving up what doesn't serve you well one step at a time.