Your Quick Money Tip for a Wonderful Holiday

by Beau Henderson

Projections for the 2012 economy continue to predict doom and gloom, yet the latest surveys are showing interesting results:
Most Americans are determined not to let the bad news
 interfere with their holiday traditions.
And why should it? Even if you don’t plan to spend more than you did last year, that doesn’t mean you can’t make this Christmas better than ever! There are plenty of things you can do to spread holiday cheer without spreading your finances too thin. My money tip for you this holiday season is this:
Don’t go into debt thinking that will make your Christmas more successful.
It won’t.
It might be tempting to blow the budget and put those two or three extra items on the credit card. It’s easy to convince yourself that if one is good, three will be even better!

But what ends up happening is that come January,
you will be starting out your New Year worried and stressed.
That’s no way to start a brand new year. You don’t need to put thousands or even hundreds of dollars on your credit card in hopes of making this holiday memorable. Those extra purchases won’t help deepen your relationships, nor will they buy your more time to spend with loved ones.

Do what you can afford, and enjoy what you have!
Make the most out of every opportunity. Give others the gift of your time and attention. Invest in outings, memories, and time together. Say yes to holiday gatherings, wear the ho-ho-ho tie, or bake cookies with your mom.
You can get as corny or traditional as you wish, but please,
don’t think you have to spend more to have more!
We all know that the best gifts are those that money can’t buy. I’d like to hear about those. What are the traditions that make your holiday special? What are the things you do that make your life truly rich? By sharing your definition of a RichLife, you inspire others to help live their own. With all the bad news out there about the economy, we could all use a few inspirational stories!

I am so committed to spreading the RichLife message that
I am having a special holiday contest to encourage you to share your own RichLife story.
At the stroke of midnight on December 24th, 2011,
I am giving away an i-pad as a Christmas gift!
To be eligible to win, all I am asking for a short, 2 – 3 minute video telling your RichLife Story by answering this one question:
"What are the things in your life that truly give it meaning?"

And for those of you who haven’t heard, the best part of this contest is that everyone wins! Everyone who enters, regardless if their video is chosen or not, will receive an autographed copy of my best-selling book,  "The RichLife – Ten Investments For True Wealth" as my way of saying thank you for living Rich and sharing your story with the world.
What is YOUR RichLife Story? Give it some thought, and when you’re ready to submit click here.

We are going to be sharing all the videos entered into the contest with our friends, readers, listeners and subscribers. When other people hear how your life has changed, when they hear how incorporating the 10 RichLife Investments for True Wealth has made a difference for you and your family, they can see the possibilities of a RichLife for themselves! This is truly a gift that will keep on giving for a long, long time. We hope your story will become a part of the RichLife legacy. I can't wait to hear from YOU!

And for those of you that are looking for a really terrific stocking stuffer that will really make a difference for the person who you give it to AND that won't break the piggy bank, why not give that special someone their very own copy of The RichLife for Christmas?

The RichLife is available for Kindle, Nook, iBooks and you can also find it at the Sony Reader Store!!

Click on your favorite below so that you can get it now and beat the last minute gift buying rush!