Defining who, what, when, where and why.

In last week’s New Yorker, an article by David Eagleman titled Sum brought up the supposition of a life lived in a different order. Instead of having moments such as joy, pain and boredom broken up throughout our life, we would receive them all at once. Imagine “six days clipping your nails, six weeks waiting for a green light, six months watching commercials . . . ”

Or, most telling of all,

“Four weeks sitting in thought,

wondering if there is something better you could be doing with your time.”


Thankfully, our lives happen in a much more enjoyable order, but sometimes, this works against us. Sometimes, we lose track of the hours that add up to the years that keep going by and the equation of our life doesn’t add up the way we hoped it would.


Think about the small things that add up to the big picture of your life.

We have been talking about the big, about goal setting and taking chances, about having the life of your dreams. But taking the time to define the small is just as important and vitally necessary to achieving your RichLife.


For our final piece on Clarity, we are going to get clear about the smaller pieces that make up the larger picture of your life. Simple things like: where you would like to live, what you would like to be doing, and when you perform your best. What is your definition of ideal? Start with a completely blank slate here, with no regard to how any of it could be possible given your current circumstances.


Pick a time 5 -10 years out into your future, and imagine what you are doing.


See yourself there, doing it. Ask yourself: Where are you? Who are you with? When or what time of day is it? What are you doing and why? Then take the time to write it all down. Most people are not able to answer the following:


·        Who are the people I want to spend time with?

·        What gives me joy and satisfaction?

·        What do I want to be doing on a daily basis?

·        When, or what time of day, do I best perform?

·        Where do I want to live and work? 

·        Why is this important to me?

The answers to these questions will bring your picture of a RichLife into focus. They will also provide you with a balancing compass.


What are the areas of your life that need improvement?


Perhaps the most important thing to remember as you set about achieving your RichLife is balance. Remember the rules for the game of Monopoly? Remember those little green and red buildings?


Making improvements in the areas of your life is a lot like making improvements to your properties on the game board.


You must build evenly.


You can never have more than one extra house on any set of 3 properties at any given time. Apply this advice to the given 3 areas of Business, Finance, and Life.


To put up big hotels in the Business arena while neglecting improvements to your Life is a recipe for misery, loneliness, and unfulfillment.


I have seen clients who achieve their dream financial picture, but have no one to enjoy it with! The Richlife equation is achieved by considering and planning for all three areas together:


Business + Finance + Life = RichLife


Get clear about who you are, what you do, and why. Focus on creating value for others, including a quality life for yourself. And start making those improvements now! You want the sum of your life to add up to more than “three months doing laundry” and “eighteen hours staring into the refrigerator”!  


Tell me, what is your RichLife? 


Gain clarity and get moving towards fulfillment in all areas of your life. Be one of the first to grab a FREE copy of Beau’s newest book, The RichLife, 10 Investments for True Wealth at and begin making investments in your RichLife today!