Giving birth to a healthy baby is what makes Jaime's life RICH!!

Tis The Season To Celebrate Life The RichLife Way!

by Beau Henderson

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain

There are investments of all kinds many of which we often overlook. The one investment that I have found to be the most neglected is our relationships with other people, especially the relationship we have with our family. stressing the importance of relationships and families as being our most important investment. Truly, when we invest in them,  the people in our lives become our “true wealth.”  

There is a delicate balance between finances and family, and the consequences of allowing our relationship with money to become too important in our lives can be devastating.  Living a “rich life” is about far more than how much money we have invested and much more about what we have invested in our relationships.  

Missed opportunities to spend time with loved ones often occur when we procrastinate about making time for them.  There are times when tomorrow never comes, leading to great regrets.  Life really is short.  No one has been given the promise of tomorrow. While a career and money are important, they are not the only things that matter in life. Investing in our relationships with our spouses and children, making time to attend and plan family meals, children's sporting events,  taking a minute to call an important friend or loved one … connecting heart-to-heart with others is a wise investment that yields tremendous dividends.  

All of this may seem like basic stuff to many people, there are many people who are living lives filled with financial riches and spiritual and emotional poverty, delaying their personal and family needs until the needs of their careers have been attended to.

There is far more to being rich than having money

Early on in my career as a financial advisor, I realized that having a rich life has nothing to do with money, and that if I approached my job in a certain way, I could encourage and support my clients to live a life full of meaning and joy: a RichLife.

From that moment I asked everyone I met (and I still do), "What are the three things in your life that truly give it meaning?"

Everyone’s answers are different, but one thing is very common— most people don’t know those answers off their tops of their heads. I have come to realize that one of the most important parts of my job in helping clients live the RichLife is to help guide them toward those answers.

As I hear from people all over the world about what makes their lives rich, a couple of common threads reveal themselves. The people who are living their definition of a  RichLife all nurture the relationships that are important to them. Relationships are almost always a priority. The other common factor is experiences. The people who are living a  RichLife have intentionally created experiences that are uniquely meaningful to them, and those experiences have become a storeroom of joyful memories. So that has added another level of real service to my job — helping clients focus on relationships and experiences.

When most people look for a financial advisor, they really just want a person they can trust – someone who will take good care of their money. Intuitively, I have always gone one step further by putting my focus on building long-term trust and relationships. I have also discovered  that I can better serve my clients by going even further … by helping them achieve their RichLives.

As I approach my work in that way, I am able to do way more than simply serve my clients. I become friends with these folks,  a trusted friend. And, guess what? I am living MY definition of a RichLife!!. I mean, how much better can it get than having  a job where you’re taking care of people as opposed to being the person who simply minds their mutual funds? SERIOUSLY!!

Nothing can be more beneficial to the world we live in than for each one of us to share the story of what our RichLife really looks like for us!

I’ve discovered that a lot of people are impacted by and believe in the RichLife philosophy.   Getting the word out to the world about the RichLife concepts that have helped YOU to live your RichLife allows OTHER PEOPLE to see what is possible for them by living a RichLife! This is why YOUR story is so important to me and to rest of  the world!  You sharing your story blesses YOU just as much as it blesses the person who hears it and picks up a lesson from it!

When other people hear from you how your life has changed, when they hear how incorporating the Ten RichLife Investments for True Wealth into your life has made a difference for you and your family, they can see the possibilities of a RichLife for themselves! And they will want to learn how to do the same for themselves and for their loved ones!

It is all about seeing and hearing  you share what a RichLife In Action really looks like!!

I have been so honored and truly blessed to be allowed to live my definition of a RichLife because of YOU … all of the folks that I have been allowed to serve as a Financial Advisor and through the message of the RichLife. I want to give BACK even more to YOU this upcoming holiday season!!



So I have decided to give someone an iPad as a Christmas Gift!!

And the best way that I can think of to do that is to have a contest!



The best part of this contest is that everyone wins! Everyone who enters, regardless if their video is chosen or not, will receive an autographed copy of my best-selling book,  "The RichLife – Ten Investments For True Wealth" as my way of saying thank you for living Rich and sharing your story with the world!!

Here's what you need to do in order to be eligible to win the iPad I am giving away at midnight, December 24, 2011 ….

I need you to do a short 2 – 3 minute video telling us your RichLife Story by answering this question,

" "What are the things in your life that truly give it meaning?"

(if you need an idea of what that would look like, just watch my 4:30 am Black Friday RichLife Video below 🙂 … if I can do it … so can YOU!!)

We all need and want to hear YOUR RichLife Story . It can be a funny story, an inspirational story or even a really hard story – one those stories that makes people laugh so hard they hold their sides or cry and shake their heads in amazement!

So … if you've got a Richlife Story that you want to submit into the contest, add your name to the form below to get all of the juicy details!! We are going to sharing all the videos entered into the contest with all of our friends, readers, listeners and subscribers. This is truly a gift that will keep on giving for a long, long time!!

Can't wait to hear YOUR story!!