As a financial advisor I conduct seminars that I call, “Financial Keys to Success.” During that seminar I ask the attendees this very pointed question:

If you had great health, and enjoyed all the normal physical capabilities, and yet you knew you had exactly six months to live – what would you do?

I then make the challenge even more difficult by allowing only sixty seconds for all the attendees to write down at least five things.

Think about it. What would you write?

It’s an interesting thing to watch the faces as they grow serious and intent. People all around the room are furiously writing their answers.

I don’t think it’s any secret what most of the answers are. I’ve never had anyone write down that they would immediately go out and buy a bigger house. Or invest in more stocks. Or ask for a promotion at work.

What do you think is at the top of nearly every list? If you said anything to do with relationships you win the prize.

I then encourage those at my seminar not to wait for a “death sentence” to get started on their list.

Valuable relationships are essential to living the RichLife; and such relationships never happen by accident. Nor should relationship nurturing be postponed.

Have you ever been guilty of saying (or even thinking) “I’ll have more time with my spouse after I retire”? Or “I’ll spend more time with the kids after this business is up and running”?

What if that kind of tomorrow never comes? I challenge you to take a moment and answer the question presented above. What’s at the top of your list?

I have found that the person who lives a fulfilled RichLife doesn’t place relationships on the back burner to simmer until later in life. The RichLife is one where relationships are invested in and tended to on a daily basis. Determine that you will spend quality time with those who mean the most to you. And do it today.